Episode 030 | Using intuition and instinct as a woman in the every day

Photo by Aro Ha

Photo by Aro Ha


These are natural superpowers of women all over the world but for years we have been told they are irrational and unreliable. We explore their place in both the workplace and in your personal life and how it takes daily practice to strengthen these skills.

Ever had a gut feeling about something? This is the perfect example of using your instinct. We look at emotion within the workplace and how in the UK it can be condemned whereas in countries like New Zealand, it is celebrated (hi Prime Ministers). Many millionaires have said they have made their most important decisions on instinct or gut feeling.

We must not fear trusting our intuition. Maybe your instincts are stronger in certain scenarios or with particular areas in life? Or if you are risk adverse, is it harder to use your gut? Sometimes in life we get so overwhelmed that the rational part of our mind simply fails and we have to rely on our more natural instincts. Sometimes the tiniest things are the most powerful in guiding you in the right direction.

Verity crushes on Einstein and admits how when decisions around money come in, she is sometimes forced to used her head, rather than gut. She also explains how you can start bringing it into your life more and start using it in the day to day.

Resources mentioned in this epsiode:

Jack Canfield Somatic Decision Making https://www.jackcanfield.com/images/stories/Feb2011-Somatic-Decision-Making.pdf