Episode 048 | How to identify, prevent and manage millennial burnout

How to identify, prevent and manage millennial burnout

This week the hosts are inspired by a few articles they have recently read on millennial burnout, delve into the subject and discuss.

We discuss the stereotype of millennials being lazy, the fact that most of us graduated around the time of the recession and the highlight reel of people’s careers.

We look at the reasons why millennial burnout occurs which includes having unrealistic career expectations, the blurring of work life boundaries and being constantly connected.

Verity talks about her recent break from social media and the effects it had on her, how burnout recently creeped up on her without realising and her struggle with balancing all aspects of her life.

Charelle raises the issue of day to day admin and how it can feel overwhelming to squeeze these in around a 40 hour+ working week and having to constantly Google all the little adulting things we come across each day.

Do you have a to do list that is impossible to achieve? Do you think you could be a better daughter/ friend/ girlfriend and feel guilt? Do you struggle to balance and are a hot mess?

We discuss how trying to keep everyone happy and fit everything in can lead to millennial burnout. What are you worrying about now that will not matter in one years time? Sit down with a pen and paper and start to map out what life needs to look like in the present to prevent burnout.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

How it feels to have millennial burnout - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/c384d54a-0116-437f-83e8-ddbca65b6c06

How Millennials became the burnout generation - https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/annehelenpetersen/millennials-burnout-generation-debt-work 

Why Instagram’s “career porn” is the fast track to burnout https://www.vogue.co.uk/arts-and-lifestyle/article/instagrams-career-porn-is-the-fast-track-to-burnout?amp