Episode 076 | Figuring it out | The “right” time to wake up

Go into 2020 with a plan PART TWO | Your goals; taking action, vision boards, accountability and affirmations

In this week’s episode we try and figure out…

  • What time we should wake up and go to bed

  • How important morning routines actually are

  • Whether we are getting the best out of our sleeping time.

Verity and Charelle decided to talk about their routines and more specifically the times they wake up and go to bed.

Verity is a natural 6.30am riser (and this is a fairly new thing to her) whereas Charelle lives by the Cinderella clock and makes sure she is in bed before midnight.

Do you have a morning routine? Do you have an alarm clock? Do you force yourself to wake up early as you feel you should?

Verity was naturally a night owl but since attracting a partner and losing bedroom curtains she now happily rises with the dawn chorus. Charelle is used to 1am bedtimes due to her job and has built her routine around a full-time job and side-hustle.

Do you wake up at the same time every day; weekends included? Does your environment or who you live with affect your bedtime? Have you read The Miracle Morning?

We discuss how important sleep is and how we do need to listen to our own cycle and what works best for us. Also what you do with the first hour of your morning could be more important than the actual time you wake up. We look at evening routines and they could be the secret to a great night's sleep and an alternative for night owls.


Episode 33 | Morning routines; miracle mornings, night owls and affirmations https://freeandfiguringitout.com/episodes/morning-routine-miracle-morning-night-owls-affirmations

The 5am club https://www.amazon.co.uk/5-AM-Club-Robin-Sharma/dp/0008312834

Elizabeth Gilbert letter to love https://live-happier.com/love-letter-to-yourself-2/


Have some feedback, a question you would like us to answer or a topic suggestion?

Drop us an email at freeandfiguringitout@gmail.com

Follow us https://www.instagram.com/freeandfiguringitout/ 

Your hosts are...

Charelle Griffith, 31, is a marketing strategist for solopreneurs and founder of PropelHer, a personal development blog and book club. She lives in London, dates men and has been single for 4 years (except for a summer romance in 2018). Connect with Charelle https://www.instagram.com/charellegriffith/ 

Verity Brown, 33, is a northerner and the founder of The Authentic DatA Revolution and is currently living in the Lake District, UK. She is bisexual, was single for 3.5 years and is in a relationship with a woman. Connect with Verity https://www.instagram.com/theseasaltplan/